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Image by Mehdi Sepehri




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About Me 

Xinan Yang (1994, CN)



London based artist

UAL Alumni

Doctorate of Professional Fine Art at University of East London





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Artist statement

Xinan Yang's work weaves magic realism into the art of deconstructing photographs through painting, capturing her experiences of dislocation from her homeland and family and creating a space that exists both in the realm of imagination and reality. As a mesmerizing memory chain, the paintings transcend the ordinary, becoming an intimate and personally curated mnemonic archive where reality intertwines with fantastical elements. This interplay of magic realism raises profound concerns about a memory space that transcends conventional boundaries, allowing for a deeper exploration and understanding of the represented self in an ever-globalizing world.

Living outside her own culture has increased her awareness of the different types of dislocation. The concept of a perfect location is ever-changing, and globalisation and the virtual realm have increased fluidity and uncertainty in identity and location. Dislocation is an inherent aspect of our lives and can be cultural, class-based, or emotional, and spatial dislocation. The artwork serves as a discourse within that realm, addressing the inherent uncertainty that is present in the essence of human existence. 

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